Author: Hank

Labor Day 2012

If you are employed, hopefully this Labor Day you are enjoying a day of leisure; a day off from your job.  But you’re probably not giving a lot of thought to all those who must work today.  Not just those who devote the working part of their lives to retail, emergency services like police and…


Every now and again, I get wanderlust.  I feel the need to travel and explore new places.  But it becomes apparent if you are lucky enough to travel far away from your home that no matter where you go these days, there are a lot of people out of work.  Worldwide, the unemployment figures are…

No Holiday at the Inn!

Was recently discussing customer service issues and experiences when the question came up:  Would you feel guilty if an employee was fired because of the poor customer service you experienced?  Obviously, the answer depends on the circumstances of the employee’s errors; the punishment should fit the crime.  Customer service is the lifeblood of so many…

Your Privacy Is At Stake!

A recent story in the Wall Street Journal (links below) started a firestorm of reactions across the country from both employers and job seekers, as well as from legal corners and privacy rights groups.  There is a growing trend by employers to demand that applicants provide their logins and security passwords to their Facebook and…

Shifting Gears

Among the issues I get to frequently talk to job seekers about is how to transition from one career to another.  For many shifting gears and their career focus, there is an almost natural progression that might emanate from the development of new skills or successfully tackling a progression of more difficult responsibilities.  For others,…

The More Things Change …

You’ve probably heard the expression, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”  Well, when it comes to job search, and the self-promotion required to successfully obtain work, we’ve seen a tremendous evolution in the ways we apply for employment.  Newspaper classifieds have given way to the online job boards, industry-specific sites and…

Survival = Clarity

  Regardless of the kind of work you do, or where ever you are located, if you have or want a job, you will interact with other people! (Well “Duh!” That’s obvious!) Bear with me! The basic give-and-take of what is sometimes simple communication, is how we get through our day. Sometimes the information being…

Top 10 Job Seeker Resolutions For 2012

Ah yes, the end of the year.  Now is the time year when almost anyone with an audience looks back on the past twelve months to reflect on the best of this, and most important of that.  Brief perspectives such as the “top ten list” can be very handy in providing a close-up view of…