Author: Hank

Nice n Soft – Conveying Your Soft Skills

There’s no question that one’s skills, experience and qualifications should be the primary consideration by an employer when selecting a candidate for hiring.  But one of the most important skill sets any applicant can bring to a job is far less recognizable from interviewing alone.  The qualities one brings for being able to deal with…

You Can't Take It With You!

Well, you can, but it’ll cost you!  Possibly big time! That cell phone in your pocket or purse, excellent tool that it is, can cost you a job!  Especially if it goes off at an inopportune time like an interview, or even while waiting for that all-important meeting.  Do I really need to remind you…

On and On and On, NOT!

One of the themes that will get expressed frequently in this space is the importance of being concise and brief. Among the biggest mistakes job seekers make is giving too much information, in resumes, interviews, and networking. Sometimes this comes from nervousness, sometimes from a lack of language skills, but more often, from our pride…

Perilous Downloading

Simply stated: the computer equipment in your office – the machines, network, etc – is the property of your employer.  Therefore your employer can strictly enforce control over what you can do and can’t do with that equipment.  Many employers tolerate employees checking personal email accounts, but still have formal policies in place against such…