Category: attitude

Foggy Crystal Ball

Since the recent U.S. presidential election, there’s been a fair amount of speculation about what the employment picture will look like under the incoming administration.  As of this writing, there are no guarantees about how jobs will be affected.  And the speculation will likely continue for the immediate future only because any actions taken by…

When Too Much is TOO MUCH!

Frequently in this space you have been encouraged to be brief in your responses to interview questions, on resumes, etc. The encouragement continues! It is important to be clear and concise in your written and verbal communication with potential employers. You want to retain their interest, not whack them over the head with too much…


How many people do you know who have gotten every job for which they applied? Very few, I would imagine. I’m not sure I know anyone who has received an offer of employment for every application they have submitted. For the most part, job search is a numbers game that necessitates applying for far more…

Motivation Is The Key

What gets your juices flowing? What inspires you? What triggers your desire to try something different? When you’re motivated, particularly by inspiration, you will go the extra mile to try new and different things and take your efforts as far as you possibly can. If you are uninspired and bored by your daily routine it…


Competition:  It drives innovation.  It fosters change. It motivates.  It can instigate growth and development.  And it can encourage.  But it can also bring about fear, trepidation, feelings of inadequacy, incompetence and irrelevance.  Yet every day in the world of work, whether on the job or looking for one, we face some form of competition. …


Whether you are looking for a job or have a job, you will experience some stress.  It will happen! The degree to which one is affected by stress will differ due to individual circumstances; overall emotional state, daily pressures from work or job search, and attitude.  Even the healthiest, well paid, mellow, chillaxed individual will…

The Path Taken

It is not uncommon that I talk with folks who are surprised at where they are in their jobs and careers.  Not necessarily unhappy with where they are in life, but recognizing that the path taken has turned out differently from what they started out to pursue.  Some aren’t sure they are where they are…