Category: hiring

Foggy Crystal Ball

Since the recent U.S. presidential election, there’s been a fair amount of speculation about what the employment picture will look like under the incoming administration.  As of this writing, there are no guarantees about how jobs will be affected.  And the speculation will likely continue for the immediate future only because any actions taken by…

The Same Old Song and Dance?

Recently, while in the company of a handful of young adults, of course the topic of job search came up. Four of the five were gainfully employed, while one was “exploring his options.” Believing it would ok to inquire, I asked, “How long has it been since you last worked?” Apparently not interested in discussing…

Still Essential!

Among the industries most affected since the Covid 19 Pandemic began is healthcare. Not just doctors and nurses, but everyone who support them in a wide variety of related fields. These include: supervisors, administrative personnel, technicians and lab workers, pharmacists, physical therapists, technologists, maintenance and janitorial support and many more. People willing to fill so…


How many people do you know who have gotten every job for which they applied? Very few, I would imagine. I’m not sure I know anyone who has received an offer of employment for every application they have submitted. For the most part, job search is a numbers game that necessitates applying for far more…

Hands On

In job search circles these days much attention is paid to the tech, administrative, healthcare and bio-tech industries. And why not? These are growth areas with opportunities for advancement. But not everyone is a programmer, tech-head, numbers-person, or test tube gazer, nor should they be! There are many other industries that don’t have the “cache”…

The Great Layoff

No matter how you feel about social media and tech companies, particularly Twitter, Facebook’s parent Meta, and other businesses that have cumulatively laid off thousands of talented workers, the reality is that most of these people will land on their feet. Regardless of the reasons why massive layoffs happen, it’s a periodic fact of business.…

What Are You Waiting For?

  All over the country things are starting to open up. Coronavirus cases have dropped dramatically thanks to those who have gotten vaccinated and followed recommended health protocols. But so many employers – in almost all job categories – are complaining they can’t find qualified applicants, and blame the worker shortage on extended unemployment benefits…

What Are The Odds?

Hiring has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, though it is accelerating at a modest pace. But when the pandemic is over and businesses resume onboarding new staff, who stands the better chance of getting hired: the younger worker with less experience and relatively little specialization, or the devoted senior level careerist with a long…

Employers Recognizing Abilities

It was with great admiration and respect that I recently witnessed a number of instances of employers recognizing the abilities of their employees with disabilities.  In my lengthy experience, I have too frequently seen workers with disabilities placed in positions far away from public view.  But on this excursion through the Northeastern US, I witnessed…

Culture Or Capability?

Recently, I read an article from Bloomberg Business Week about how many employers believe it to be more important for prospective hires to have a strong cultural match with a company’s existing staff, than it is for applicants to just have strong skills.  Really?  I guess I didn’t get the memo on this edict.  When…

Labor Day 2012

If you are employed, hopefully this Labor Day you are enjoying a day of leisure; a day off from your job.  But you’re probably not giving a lot of thought to all those who must work today.  Not just those who devote the working part of their lives to retail, emergency services like police and…

Your Privacy Is At Stake!

A recent story in the Wall Street Journal (links below) started a firestorm of reactions across the country from both employers and job seekers, as well as from legal corners and privacy rights groups.  There is a growing trend by employers to demand that applicants provide their logins and security passwords to their Facebook and…


There was a time not too long ago when job seekers routinely sent out their job search documents to unknown recipients. More times than not job announcements instructed job seekers to send their resumes and cover letters to blind addresses – Post Office boxes or routing numbers in care of the newspaper that ran the…

Tick Tock!

My client Lanni called the other day sounding quite frustrated and angry.  I encouraged her to take a few calming breaths.  After a long pause she finally blurted out, “They wouldn’t let me interview!  I sat in their reception area listening to that insipid instrumental background music for over 45 minutes, and the assistant finally…