Category: Job Search Preparation

Foggy Crystal Ball

Since the recent U.S. presidential election, there’s been a fair amount of speculation about what the employment picture will look like under the incoming administration.  As of this writing, there are no guarantees about how jobs will be affected.  And the speculation will likely continue for the immediate future only because any actions taken by…

The Same Old Song and Dance?

Recently, while in the company of a handful of young adults, of course the topic of job search came up. Four of the five were gainfully employed, while one was “exploring his options.” Believing it would ok to inquire, I asked, “How long has it been since you last worked?” Apparently not interested in discussing…

When Too Much is TOO MUCH!

Frequently in this space you have been encouraged to be brief in your responses to interview questions, on resumes, etc. The encouragement continues! It is important to be clear and concise in your written and verbal communication with potential employers. You want to retain their interest, not whack them over the head with too much…

Where Do You Want to Work?

Conventional wisdom suggests that the best and the brightest will have the opportunity to work wherever they want. Good for them! Unfortunately, not all workers will have those same options. The reality for many workers is that they need to find positions that are within relatively easy commute distances to where they are employed. Even…

What Are You Waiting For?

  All over the country things are starting to open up. Coronavirus cases have dropped dramatically thanks to those who have gotten vaccinated and followed recommended health protocols. But so many employers – in almost all job categories – are complaining they can’t find qualified applicants, and blame the worker shortage on extended unemployment benefits…

Now Featured on the Small Screen – You, Part One

  As discussed in the last post, where your interview takes place presents considerations beyond your ability to succinctly answer questions. This is also true for interviews that take place over video chat or the phone. Though in-person interviewing will eventually return in greater numbers, this past year has clearly demonstrated the need for job…

Watch Your Q’s and A’s!

Without minimizing the importance of being able to answer tough interview questions with concise answers, today’s column is about the other Q’s and A’s: Qualifications and Accomplishments.  Qualifications and Accomplishments are the resume headings misused most frequently during job search document preparation. This happens primarily because the information revealed by both these and other headings…

Patience Is …

Patience is a virtue, and a necessity!  The hardest part of any job search is the waiting.  After dutifully contacting numerous employers with openings well suited to your skills and experience, you hear … nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Bupkis!  No calls, no emails, no smoke signals.  You have followed every instruction, sent every required document, without…

Culture Or Capability?

Recently, I read an article from Bloomberg Business Week about how many employers believe it to be more important for prospective hires to have a strong cultural match with a company’s existing staff, than it is for applicants to just have strong skills.  Really?  I guess I didn’t get the memo on this edict.  When…

The Coast Is Clear

Happy New Year! The phrase “The Coast Is Clear” was frequently used to advise seamen that the fog had lifted and the shore could be seen from out at sea, or that the oceans and shipping lanes were clear for smooth venturing onto open water.  Metaphorically, and on dry land, it also implies that it…