Category: education

Not For Everyone

There’s an awful lot that can be said about the value of a college education and advanced degrees! But there is also a lot about higher education that doesn’t get said frequently enough: A college education is not for everyone! Indeed, higher learning can be of benefit for attaining a vast array of professional and…

Still Essential!

Among the industries most affected since the Covid 19 Pandemic began is healthcare. Not just doctors and nurses, but everyone who support them in a wide variety of related fields. These include: supervisors, administrative personnel, technicians and lab workers, pharmacists, physical therapists, technologists, maintenance and janitorial support and many more. People willing to fill so…

Urban Desire

When we think of larger cities and our most populated urban centers, among the first things we envision are the tall buildings, traffic, population density, congestion and the hopefully thriving businesses that draw us there. To live, to work, to explore, to experience. But lately those visions include urban blight, empty storefronts, over-crowded streets and…

What Are You Waiting For?

  All over the country things are starting to open up. Coronavirus cases have dropped dramatically thanks to those who have gotten vaccinated and followed recommended health protocols. But so many employers – in almost all job categories – are complaining they can’t find qualified applicants, and blame the worker shortage on extended unemployment benefits…

Education Interrupted

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the disruption to learning for all levels of education has been extreme. Teachers had a hard enough time attempting to provide a quality education for too many students, in too-small classrooms before the virus. What they are experiencing now is a far cry from an effective solution for learning. Distance…


Now that it’s the end of the school year, a lot of people will be experiencing major changes to their lives.  Congratulations to the graduating classes of 2014.  I wish you much luck and success!  Your lives are about to change!  Big time!  But at the moment, I’m more interested in the opposite side of…

Shifting Gears

Among the issues I get to frequently talk to job seekers about is how to transition from one career to another.  For many shifting gears and their career focus, there is an almost natural progression that might emanate from the development of new skills or successfully tackling a progression of more difficult responsibilities.  For others,…

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

I’ve admitted in this space on multiple occasions that I don’t have a crystal ball and have no idea what the future will really hold.  Thinking about the economy, the ongoing high unemployment rate, wars, natural disasters, it is hard to stay optimistic.  But over the past few weeks, my outlook on things seemed to…


Not if you’re getting your education from vocational schools, according to a new study recently released from the US Government Accounting Office.  Having received a number of complaints, the Feds investigated a number of private vocational schools, often referred to as “career colleges,” for making false claims and using deceptive recruiting practices. Generally, the claims…

Membership Has Its Privileges

Throughout the country, state-provided resources for job seekers are drying up.  Staff shortages, mandatory layoffs and furlough days that close facilities all impact the employment offices’ ability to provide comprehensive one-on-one services.  It wasn’t that long ago that if you were out of work, you could have gone to your local unemployment office, talked to…

Paralyzed By Choices

My conversation with a young cab driver the other day went something like this: Hank: If you weren’t driving this cab, what you rather be doing? Cabbie:  I’m not sure. I’ve thought about doing a lot of different things.  I only graduated high school last year and needed to find work, and this is what…