Category: privacy

They Can’t Ask That, Can They?

Looking for a job and doing all the requisite document planning and interviewing is no fun. It’s not supposed to be. In fact, the process of job search is mind-numbing and repetitive. Thankfully, you survive after putting yourself through all the emotional changes and anxieties – even when you don’t succeed at getting the job!…


A great concept, right?  Frequently, however, it is overrated, or at the very least, an illusion.  We attempt to have control over our lives, and just when we assume things are within our control, something happens that necessitates change.  Unless you live in an hermetically sealed bubble, on a daily basis we are subject to…

You Don't Say!

When clients tell me they aren’t sure how they did during an interview, they usually talk about all the things they claim they told their inquisitor.  Granted, knowing what to say is important.  But frequently, the success of an interview can hinge on what you don’t say.  And sometimes, what you don’t tell your interviewer…

Your Privacy Is At Stake!

A recent story in the Wall Street Journal (links below) started a firestorm of reactions across the country from both employers and job seekers, as well as from legal corners and privacy rights groups.  There is a growing trend by employers to demand that applicants provide their logins and security passwords to their Facebook and…

Prying Eyes

The guy next to me during a recent flight didn’t seem much like talking so we never introduced ourselves, but we’ll call him Bob.  After the in-flight crew made the announcement that it was “ok to use your electronic devices,” Bob pulled out his laptop. Whether he was going to be productive or merely pass…