Category: teamwork

Urban Desire

When we think of larger cities and our most populated urban centers, among the first things we envision are the tall buildings, traffic, population density, congestion and the hopefully thriving businesses that draw us there. To live, to work, to explore, to experience. But lately those visions include urban blight, empty storefronts, over-crowded streets and…

Will It Float?

The previous post, Is It Art?  was about the creative process and its importance in our lives. Although I wasn’t originally planning to, I decided to carry the discussion a bit further, in part inspired by an article in my favorite business magazine, “Entrepreneur” (link at the end) that I received after that post, and an event I…

Go Team!

You can’t deny the impact that a professional sports organization has on jobs and the local and regional economies.  Whether it’s football, baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball or tennis, there’s no question that professional sports are big businesses.  Die-hard fan or casual observer of any of these or other sports,  we sometimes don’t even realize the…

Unsung – Unseen!

Like many people, I enjoy going to theater performances, concerts, festivals, and other live-entertainment events, and I’m lucky enough to attend a variety of shows throughout the year.  There’s a tremendous amount of work that goes into the production and presentation of every performance, from some very talented behind-the-scenes, unsung and unseen heroes, who rarely…