Targeted to employers, this presentation offers resources and training for the employer and ways for the employer to keep morale within their organization for those staying. Topics include:
Importance of employer-arranged referrals, references, job placement and (re)training
Job search refresher information for those on the job a long time
How to help those facing job loss cope with major life and work changes, including loss of benefits like healthcare.
Employer Sponsored Job Search Workshops for Those Being Laid Off
Average length of 3 hours per session (depending on group size)
Targeted at those facing job loss from layoffs and staff downsizing
Multiple sessions available to cover any or all of the following:
The Emotional and Psychological Effects of Job Loss
Resume and Cover Letter Preparation
Interview Skills and Coaching
Skills Identification
Fine Tuning Soft Skills
Strategizing and Making a Job Search Plan of Action
Average duration is 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on group size