Category: Networking

Networking Almost Everywhere; It's Almost Never A Bad Time To Network

For many people, introducing one’s self to a complete stranger is a very painful experience.  Believe me, I know!  It’s much easier for me to address a room full of people (strangers or not), than to introduce myself to someone I don’t know!!  But to overcome my discomfort talking with strangers took commitment and determination. …

Go Your Own Way

In school, were you the one who always had a better/different way of doing things?  When the teacher was explaining that 2 + 2 = 4, were you the one who said the same result could be achieved by adding 3 +1?  Or by subtracting 1 from 5? If you’re still looking at things a…

Moving Forward

Look, I know the economy sucks right now.  People are getting laid off in record numbers and you begin to wonder whether looking for a job is worth the effort. Your frustrations mount because there are bills to be paid, you’ve got personal and familial responsibilities, and the outlook is less than optimistic. Well, I…

Paralyzed By Choices

My conversation with a young cab driver the other day went something like this: Hank: If you weren’t driving this cab, what you rather be doing? Cabbie:  I’m not sure. I’ve thought about doing a lot of different things.  I only graduated high school last year and needed to find work, and this is what…