Tag: Communication

No Comparison!

Have you ever read a feature (online or in print) that claimed to offer two views of the same idea, topic or product?  There are all kinds of examples of this “two sides of same coin” column in a wide variety of publications.  But upon reading them, frequently the questions asked are not the same…

Employers: How Creative Are You?

So you managed to get through 2008 without laying anyone off. You’ve tightened budgets, cut back on spending, held your own against your competition, and even earned a profit. Congratulations! But 2009 looks like it will require additional belt tightening.  You recognize the loyalty of your staff, and you’ve tried to reward them, but you’re…

You Can't Take It With You!

Well, you can, but it’ll cost you!  Possibly big time! That cell phone in your pocket or purse, excellent tool that it is, can cost you a job!  Especially if it goes off at an inopportune time like an interview, or even while waiting for that all-important meeting.  Do I really need to remind you…