Category: hospitality


One of the most important aspects of customer service is the ability to actively listen to customers and their concerns about your business, service or product. This responsibility falls to everyone in every company! However, the inability or refusal to listen and effectively respond to the concerns or complaints of customers can be the death…

What’s On The Menu?

Among the many business-related side effects of life during the Coronavirus Pandemic have been the attempts by businesses to minimize humans coming into contact with items that others have touched. As effective or ineffective as this approach may have been in reducing the spread of the virus, it has turned into a lingering trend that…


Among the hardest hit industries during the pandemic have been the restaurant and hospitality workers. In California alone, nearly one million people have lost their restaurant jobs. This includes wait and bussing staff, chefs, line cooks, hostesses and management. Stay at home orders around the country necessitated the closure of all restaurants, with a few…

So You Want To Be A Host!

Among the biggest changes in the hospitality industry is the interest of many people to become hosts.  Some want to operate their own bed and breakfast business, and others want to find small hotel or motel properties to manage.  And, increasingly, individuals and corporations are turning available private real estate into short-term vacation rentals for…