
What Are The Odds?

Hiring has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, though it is accelerating at a modest pace. But when the pandemic is over and businesses resume onboarding new staff, who stands the better chance of getting hired: the younger worker with less experience and relatively little specialization, or the devoted senior level careerist with a long…

Education Interrupted

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the disruption to learning for all levels of education has been extreme. Teachers had a hard enough time attempting to provide a quality education for too many students, in too-small classrooms before the virus. What they are experiencing now is a far cry from an effective solution for learning. Distance…

Where Are They Now?

What a crazy time we’re living in. The COVID-19 pandemic hit this country and much of the world, hard! In many areas, shelter at home orders are still being imposed or re-imposed because of increases in infection numbers, and face coverings are still encouraged for those times you leave your home. And if you are…


Among the hardest hit industries during the pandemic have been the restaurant and hospitality workers. In California alone, nearly one million people have lost their restaurant jobs. This includes wait and bussing staff, chefs, line cooks, hostesses and management. Stay at home orders around the country necessitated the closure of all restaurants, with a few…

Absolutely Essential

As I’ve prepared over the last few months to resurrect this website & blog, all kinds of thoughts came to mind about what to present as the first new post.  Over the coming weeks you’ll get an idea of some of my recent musings on careers and employment, among other things, as they get posted…

In The Middle

A recent meeting with a sales professional led to a discussion about the supposed disappearance of the “middle man”.  (OK, for the politically correct, the term would now be “middle person”.)  The “middle man” was the person who facilitated a business transaction, a go-between.  Job titles such as manufacturer’s representative, rack jobber, deal-maker, agent, broker…

2015 Budget

The New York Times recently reported that 2014 was a good year for job growth with the nation’s unemployment rate falling to about 5.6%.  On average, 52 thousand more jobs were filled each month of 2014 than the previous year.  This is a promising sign for anyone looking for work, and this hiring trend is…

So You Want To Be A Host!

Among the biggest changes in the hospitality industry is the interest of many people to become hosts.  Some want to operate their own bed and breakfast business, and others want to find small hotel or motel properties to manage.  And, increasingly, individuals and corporations are turning available private real estate into short-term vacation rentals for…

Employers Recognizing Abilities

It was with great admiration and respect that I recently witnessed a number of instances of employers recognizing the abilities of their employees with disabilities.  In my lengthy experience, I have too frequently seen workers with disabilities placed in positions far away from public view.  But on this excursion through the Northeastern US, I witnessed…

Partners In Wellness

Who are your partners in wellness?  Surely your doctors, their nurses and support staff.  But do you also consider your local pharmacist a partner in your wellness?  After all, “Ask your pharmacist about …,” is one of the most oft repeated phrases in advertising because the manufacturers of prescription drugs and over-the-counter health goods know…


Competition:  It drives innovation.  It fosters change. It motivates.  It can instigate growth and development.  And it can encourage.  But it can also bring about fear, trepidation, feelings of inadequacy, incompetence and irrelevance.  Yet every day in the world of work, whether on the job or looking for one, we face some form of competition. …

Go Team!

You can’t deny the impact that a professional sports organization has on jobs and the local and regional economies.  Whether it’s football, baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball or tennis, there’s no question that professional sports are big businesses.  Die-hard fan or casual observer of any of these or other sports,  we sometimes don’t even realize the…

Fading Film Industry in California

Like almost every other industry around the country, the film industry in California has suffered financially.  Sure, box office revenues may be high, but the cost of producing films in the Golden State has become increasingly prohibitive, even for the big studios.  And in Northern California, where not that long ago five to ten feature…


Now that it’s the end of the school year, a lot of people will be experiencing major changes to their lives.  Congratulations to the graduating classes of 2014.  I wish you much luck and success!  Your lives are about to change!  Big time!  But at the moment, I’m more interested in the opposite side of…