Category: industry

Not For Everyone

There’s an awful lot that can be said about the value of a college education and advanced degrees! But there is also a lot about higher education that doesn’t get said frequently enough: A college education is not for everyone! Indeed, higher learning can be of benefit for attaining a vast array of professional and…

Urban Desire

When we think of larger cities and our most populated urban centers, among the first things we envision are the tall buildings, traffic, population density, congestion and the hopefully thriving businesses that draw us there. To live, to work, to explore, to experience. But lately those visions include urban blight, empty storefronts, over-crowded streets and…

Fading Film Industry in California

Like almost every other industry around the country, the film industry in California has suffered financially.  Sure, box office revenues may be high, but the cost of producing films in the Golden State has become increasingly prohibitive, even for the big studios.  And in Northern California, where not that long ago five to ten feature…