Category: discrimination

They Can’t Ask That, Can They?

Looking for a job and doing all the requisite document planning and interviewing is no fun. It’s not supposed to be. In fact, the process of job search is mind-numbing and repetitive. Thankfully, you survive after putting yourself through all the emotional changes and anxieties – even when you don’t succeed at getting the job!…


A great concept, right?  Frequently, however, it is overrated, or at the very least, an illusion.  We attempt to have control over our lives, and just when we assume things are within our control, something happens that necessitates change.  Unless you live in an hermetically sealed bubble, on a daily basis we are subject to…

Are You Ready For Your Closeup?

Recently I met with a small business owner and we discussed recruiting for his growing business.  When I asked him if he did any of his recruiting online and if he looked at resumes posted on job search sites, he answered with a very enthusiastic “Yes!”.  He told me he has been successful in filling…