Sure, the days are getting longer, a bit warmer. But I can tell its spring by how fast my nose reacts to the onslaught of pollen. The nicer the day; the more I sneeze. My allergies certainly aren’t the most severe as evidenced by effectiveness of the over the counter solutions, but some days even the heavy duty stuff just doesn’t do the trick. That’s when I want to relocate to some dry arid state, where there are less allergens to ruin my day. But that won’t happen! I like the coast even more!
So, what do you do when you allergies affect your productivity? Are you one of the lucky few whose schedules and vacation time can coincide with allergy season allowing you go to Arizona for 3 months a year? Probably not! Does your work location have decent ventilation that filters out pollen and allergens? That’s also a tall order, and if your employer doesn’t own the building you work in, highly unlikely.
But how about telecommuting? Working from home where you can better control your environment can be a highly effective solution for those who suffer the most. I know a few folks whose similar health issues instigated telecommuting options from their employer’s. Because they remained productive and active participants in the workplace – albeit from a distance, telecommuting proved a successful alternative.
And therein lies the key: Productivity! If your seasonal allergies are so severe that leaving home is a problematic health risk, talk to your employer about trying out this flexible solution. With all the tools we have available today for working collaboratively over distances, telecommuting can be a great solution to an otherwise disruptive problem.
Hope you feel better!