STUDENTS:  If you hope to work this summer, get your applications in now!

Look around and explore our content and insights into the world of work & job search. 


Leave Something Behind

Many of today’s employees will never know the attachment of working for the same company for 20 + years. That kind of longevity with one firm is not as attractive to the younger generations who have demonstrated a proclivity for job hopping in hopes of improving their stature, salary, benefits, work challenges, and myriad other reasons. They will never know the value of a lifetime commitment to a single employer and the loyalty and trust that are engendered. When you’ve worked for the same company for a long time, your legacy isn’t just what the next generation will say about you, but that they will be able to learn and benefit from what you did and how you did it. Your commitment, knowledge, accomplishments, experience and expertise should not walk out the door with you on your final day.


If you are leaving a company and intend to depart on good terms with HR and management, demonstrating your commitment to organization and the maintenance of information and materials is a major step in leaving a good impression with those you leave behind and those who succeed you. Whether retirement is your next step, or you’re taking another position elsewhere, after you’ve left, you don’t want to receive texts, emails or phone calls from former coworkers – or your replacement – asking where something is, or how to do something.


One way to ensure that your presence will be felt long after you’ve gone is to  ....  (read more:

Every few weeks we pose a question you might get asked during an interview and a suggestion on how you might formulate your answer. 

This week’s question:

Explain your role as a group/team member?

At some point in your working life, it is very likely that you were part of a team or served as a group member. Maybe even before your work life. Did you play any team sports in school? Were you part of a scout troupe? Did you work on extra-curricula projects with other students? These, and similar activities can provide content for you to express your perspectives on working within a team, or within a group with an assigned task and common goal and projected results. Tell your inquisitor about how you participated with others to fulfill various responsibilities and achieved desired outcomes. If you were in a leadership position, say so. You can also mention how you encouraged and assisted others, and demonstrated initiative, along with identifying the skills you used collaboratively. And don’t forget to provide examples of how the results of your team’s efforts benefitted the team, group or company. And it won’t hurt to mention what you learned about yourself and working with others from the experience.


To see previous installments of

Tough Interview Questions and Answers,

click here

(Most recent are at the Bottom of the list.)

Hank London provides Personalized Career Development Solutions and Communication Strategies that generate results… whether you’re an employer or a job seeker.

For Individuals…

Contact Hank when you need help with…
·  Career development and employment solutions
·  Creating artist or performer portfolios that get attention
·  Self-promotion
·  Interviewing or networking strategies
·  Personalized resumes and cover letters that get results

For Businesses and Organizations… 

Contact Hank if your business or organization needs help with…
·  Communication strategies
·  Public Speaking and Refining Sales Presentations
·  Finding and retaining appropriate talent
·  Staff motivation
·  Team building
·  Outplacement
·  A Dynamic Public Speaker for Events or Conferences

Click Services to see the many ways we can help you succeed.